EIT Urban Mobility Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

  1. “We”“us”“our” or “EIT UM” means EIT KIC Urban Mobility S.L.U., duly registered under the laws of Spain under company number B67513630, having its registered office address at Carrer Pamplona, 104, Barcelona (08018), Catalonia, Spain, and for the specific purposes of data processing, the legal

    We act as the Data controller for the personal data we gather through your use of
    our websites:

    hereinafter: “Websites”).

    In a processing where the Data controller is another entity that does not belong to EIT UM Group or a partner of our activities, it will be always indicated by means of the corresponding informative clause. Whenever we collect your Personal Data, we will inform you of the data controller for the processing, including its identification and contact details. When EIT UM, together with the following EIT UM Innovation Hubs and Foundation, are Joint Controllers for the processing of personal data, this further specified below.

    • EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Hub Central, Freddie-Mercury-Straße 5 80797 Munich, Germany
    • EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Hub South S.L., Carrer Pamplona, 104, Barcelona (08018), Catalonia, Spain,
    • EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Hub East, s.r.o., Národní 135/14, 110 00 Praha
    • EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Hub North ApS, c/o Blox, Bryghuspladsen 8, 3 København K,1473, Denmark
    • EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Hub West B.V., Prins Hendrikkade 21e – 5th floor, 1012 TL Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    (hereinafter: “Innovation Hubs”).

    FUNDACIÓ EIT URBAN MOBILITY FOUNDATION, Carrer Pamplona, 104, Barcelona (08018), Catalonia, Spain.

    (hereinafter: “Foundation”).

    This Privacy Policy is solely intended to provide you with information in relation to the processing of personal data through your use of the Websites. For our privacy practices in relation to our services, we refer you to the agreement as may be concluded between us.

    We have developed this Privacy Policy because your privacy is very important to us. This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, disclose, transfer and use (“process”) the personal data that you share with us, and which rights you have and how you can exercise them. Please take a moment to read through this Privacy Policy.

    If you have any questions, concerns or complaints regarding to this Privacy Policy, to the processing of your personal data or if you wish to submit a request to exercise your rights as set out in this Privacy Policy, you can contact us:

    Via e-mail: info@eiturbanmobility.eu, with subject matter ‘Privacy Policy Website’.

    This Privacy Policy was revised last on 16/07/2024.



Personal data is defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. Identifiable refers to identifiers such as name, identification number,
location, data, etc., that can be used to directly or indirectly identify a natural person.

The personal data we collect, is collected and used for the purposes as listed hereunder:

(a) In the event you use the contact form on our Websites you can send to us a message, and we will use your personal data in order to reply to your query or
complaint, via e-mail or telephone;

(b) In the event you register for our Newsletter, your e-mail address will be used in order to send you our newsletters and occasional e-mails about our activities and services which may include invites to other events, seminars, news, etc.

(c) In the event of purchasing a ticket and/or registering for an event, seminars, etc., we will use your personal data in order to grant and manage the purchase and/or registration to the event and to send to you communications in connection therewith. Please note that we can capture and/or record your image during the event and to exploit it as well as those identifying elements of your own image in all its facets, by any means of dissemination, media, modalities and/or forms of exploitation, in order to the purposes of internal and external communication, promotion and advertising of the event, EIT Urban Mobility and any related or ancillary activities.

(d) Third-party products and services: you may also receive special promotions plans, memberships, or services including offerings of third-party products and services only with your prior consent.

(e) In the event you are a registered user on our intranet (EIT Urban Mobility Plaza://plaza.eiturbanmobility.eu), we will use your personal data in order to grant you access to our intranet and to operate the EIT Urban Mobility Plaza. We will report to third party funders in order to report on information on specific activities funded or potentially to be funded by the relevant grants and personal data associated with the activities. Whenever possible, we will use anonymized information for reporting purposes. However, it is possible that EIT Urban Mobility, funders and/or auditors acting on behalf of our funders will request personal information to monitor or verify our activities. We may make suggestions and recommendations to you and other users of our Websites and associated platforms about services or synergies that may interest you or them.

(f) We process your personal data for the purpose of supporting the Websites, enhancing your user experience, which includes ensuring the security, availability, performance, capacity and health of the Websites and in order to give you access to network, to funding opportunities, to market, to knowledge and others.

(g) We process your personal data to enforce or exercise any rights that are available to us based on the applicable law, such as use for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

(h) We process your personal data to fulfil our obligations as set out by the applicable law.

(i)We may also use your personal data to manage your registration at the marketplace https://marketplace.eitum.eu and contact you in case any documentation is missing during the validation process as a marketplace registered user. In addition, we may also send you occasional e-mails about our activities and services which may include invites to other events, seminars, news, services, our Newsletter, etc.

(j) We may also use your personal data to manage your registration for the educational courses and programs, for the enrolment, the admission, selection procedure, the curriculum and study results, also to manage your subscriptions and to manage your registration for other educational engagement projects.

(k) We may also use your personal data to manage your registration at https://eitlabel.eiturbanmobility.eu/ as the platform for monitoring the design of the courses and to complete course questionnaires. We may contact you in case any information is missing during the validation process as a registered user and send you notifications on the process updates. We may report to funding authorities in order to report on information on specific courses funded or potentially to be funded by the relevant grants and personal data associated with the activities. Whenever possible, we will use anonymized information for reporting purposes.

(l) For providing Onboarding Services and registration via Partner in and out Tool (PIO), we may process personal data of legal representatives and contact persons to perform the legal entity validation. We will inform you of the data controller for the processing, including its identification and contact details.

(m)For management purposes of your participation in the call or contest according to its terms and conditions and to send information related to your participation.

The following categories of personal data will be processed by us for the purposes as listed above:

(a) Contact data: in the event you make use of the contact form, or any other channel (contact/business cards, badges scanned during events, emails, etc.), you will be asked to provide us with your name, surname, phone number, job position, name of your organisation and type and your e-mail address. We will also process any personal data that you choose to put in the designated blank field (please do not provide us with any sensitive information, such as health information, information pertaining to criminal convictions, or credit card/account numbers).

(b) Newsletter, surveys and communications of interest: we will also process your e-mail address if you register for our newsletter, or you are a registered user of our marketplace or visitor/attendee to our events.

(c) Events, seminars and other related activities: if you make use of any registration form, we could ask you to complete the latter information with your name, last name, city of work, country of work, job title, organisation, a picture, your work number and your mobile number, or any other information necessary for the event and other related activities. Please note that your image and voice could be processed for the purposes listed above. This is personal information that is provided directly by you.

(d) Marketplace: if you want to register as a user of the marketplace, you will be asked to provide us with your e-mail and follow the terms and conditions.

(e) Partner data: first name, last name, gender, organization, job title, e-mail address, phone number, post address, postal code, city and country.

(f) Personal information: your name, e-mail address and other personal data contained in your CV which you provide to us via the use of our e-mail address.

(g) Educational courses and programs: personal information that you share with us in the context of the enrolment, the admission and selection procedure, including personal data pertaining to the curriculum and study results.

(h) Usage data: We collect personal data regarding your activities on our Websites, such as: IP address, device ID and type, referral source, language settings, browser type, operating system, geographical location, length of visit, page views, or information about the timing, frequency and pattern of your service use. This information may be aggregated and used to help us provide more useful information regarding thea use of our Website. In the event the usage data is completely anonymized (and can therefore not be traced back to you as an individual), this will not be considered personal data for the purpose of this Privacy Policy. This is personal data that is automatically collected through your use of the Websites.

(i) Transaction data: We collect personal data relating to transactions that you make through the Websites, including your contact data, payment information and the goods and/or services purchased. This is personal data provided directly by you.

(j) With regards to the EIT Label website: data about the course provider (name and surname, identification details, contact information, address, email) and student lists (name and surname, contact information, address, email, gender, organization, job title, city and country, including personal data pertaining to the
curriculum, fees and study results).

(k) If you provide us with a business card or your contact details so that we can contact you for professional localisation purposes, we may process your data in order to manage that contact.

(l) Onboarding Services: We process personal data of legal representatives and contact persons of validated entities to validate recipients of financial support from EIT’s and EIT UM co-funded projects, such as: e-mail address, phone number, name, surname, organization, position, country of origin, gender, photocopy of the ID/Passport (where it is necessary for identity verification purposes).

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data

(a)When we contact you, you submit your registration to the newsletter, survey, access to the Intranet and when your image and voice are captured or recorded in an event, webinars, and/or other related activities the legal basis is your consent.

(b) When you send us your job or position application, the legal basis is the execution of precontractual measures.

(c) If you purchase tickets and/or register for an Event, the legal basis is the legal relationship established.

(d) We have the legitimate interest to process contact information of representatives of a legal entity, individual entrepreneurs, or liberal professionals for professional localisation.

(e) if you want to register as a user of the marketplace, when you enrol for educational courses, or perform platforms/websites subscriptions, the legal basis is the execution of the execution of precontractual measures and the contract.

(f)We have the legitimate interest to provide you with better Websites services and to enforce or exercise any rights that are available to us based on the applicable law, such as use for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

(g)In addition, we have the legitimate interest to send you occasional e-mails about our activities and services which may include invites to other events, seminars, news, surveys, newsletter, etc., only if you are already a customer of us or partner of our community. You have the right to opt out of receiving these communications at any time. This will, however, not affect the lawfulness of any processing done prior to the withdrawal of your consent. If you are not a customer or a partner of our community, we will only send you these communications with your prior consent which you can revoke at any time. Also, third parties will send you commercial communications only if you have given your express consent to do so.

(h)To fulfil our obligations as set out by the applicable law being the legal basis the compliance with a legal obligation.

(i)For the provision of Onboarding services, the legal basis is the execution of precontractual measures and the contract.

(j) we may process your data based on the existing contractual relationship between the parties as a result of your participation in a call or a contest organised by us. The execution of the terms and conditions of the call or contest (execution of contract) in which you have provided your consent to manage your participation.



In some instances, EIT UM has determined the purposes and means of the processing of your personal data together with its Innovation Hubs and Foundation. This means that EIT UM and its Innovation Hubs and Foundation are responsible for this processing of personal data as Joint Controllers according to Art. 26 GDPR. We have entered into an agreement with our Innovation Hubs and Foundation to determine our respective responsibilities for compliance with the obligations under GDPR. According to this agreement, we are responsible to inform you about the processing as Joint Controllers and to make available the essence of the agreement entered into with our Innovation Hubs.

Purposes of the processing
The Joint Controllers operate a PODIO (CRM), Plaza (Grant Mgmnt Tool), Microsoft SharePoint, PowerBI Cloud Space (Analyitcs), NetSuite (CRM & ERP & Grant Mgmnt Tool) and other internal databases. The processing under joint responsibility serves the following purposes:

  • To effectively manage our network and portfolio of activities by making key data available to EIT UM Group staff.
  • To facilitate effective relationships with current and prospective partners, clients contacts by making key data available to EIT UM Group staff.
  • To support match-making activities through the ability to search for valuable experience and skills across our network.
  • To analyse the performance of different business areas and programmes.
  • To facilitate the effective allocation of resources and focus within the organisation by providing an overview of our activities.
  • To use data from PODIO (CRM), Plaza (Grant Mgmnt Tool), Microsoft SharePoint, PowerBI Cloud Space (Analyitcs), NetSuite (CRM & ERP & Grant Mgmnt Tool) and from other internal databases data to invite contacts to interesting events as speakers or attendees based on their expertise or records of previous attendance at relevant events.
  • To improve the quality of data through data collection, normalization, matching, consolidation from the various source databases.

Legal Basis

The Joint Controllers process the personal data for their legitimate interests, in particular to ensure a uniform and efficient administration of EIT UM programs and activities throughout the organization and to provide the best possible service for their partners, Art. 6 section 1 f) GDPR.

Responsibilities for compliance with GDPR obligations, point of contact The responsibilities for compliance with the obligations under GDPR are assigned according to an agreement between the Joint Controllers. In particular, EIT UM is
responsible for providing information according to Art. 13 and 14 GDPR and making available the essence of the agreement. EIT UM is also designated as a contact point for data subjects and is responsible for processing requests for data subject rights.



We take reasonable security measures to protect your personal data from destruction, loss, modification or any other unauthorised processing. We do not store your personal data for longer than necessary for the purposes for which it is stored. Only authorised personnel from EIT Urban Mobility have access to this data. Third parties that process data on our behalf will do so only on our instructions and where they have agreed to keep it secure.

Your personal data will be stored to fulfil the purpose for which the data are processed only during the strictly ecessary time. In the event you withdraw your consent or you object to our use of your personal data, and such
objection is successful, we will remove your personal data from our databases. Please note that we will process the personal data necessary to ensure your request.

The foregoing will, however, not prevent us from retaining, properly blocked, any personal data if this is necessary to comply with our legal obligations, in order to file a legal claim or defend ourselves against a legal claim, or for evidential purposes.



This article lists your principal rights under General Data Protection Regulation. We have tried to summarize them for you in a clear and legible way.

To exercise any of your rights, please send us a written request in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We will respond to your request without undue delay, but in any event within one month of the receipt of the request. In the event of an extension of the term to respond or in the event we do not take action on your request, we will notify you.

The right to access: You have the right to confirmation as to whether or not we process your personal data and, in the event we do so, you have the right to access such personal data, together with certain additional information that you also find listed in this Privacy Policy.

You have the right to receive from us a copy of your personal data we have in our possession, provided that this does not adversely affect the rights and freedoms ofothers. The first copy will be provided free of charge, but we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee if you request further copies.

The right to rectification: If the personal data we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to have this information rectified or, taking into account the purposes of the processing, completed.

The right to erasure (right to be forgotten): In some circumstances, you have the right to the erasure of your personal data without undue delay. Those circumstances include:

(a) The personal data are no longer needed in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
(b) You withdraw your consent, and no other lawful ground exists;
(c) The processing is for direct marketing purposes;
(d) The personal data have been unlawfully processed; or,
(e) Erasure is necessary for compliance with EU law.

There are certain exclusions to the right to erasure. Those exclusions include where processing is necessary,

(a) for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information;

(b) for compliance with a legal obligation; or,

(c) for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

The right to restrict processing: You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data (meaning that the personal data may only be stored by us and may only be used for limited purposes), if:

(a) You contest the accuracy of the personal data (and only for as long as it takes to verify that accuracy);

(b) The processing is unlawful and you request restriction (as opposed to exercising the right to erasure);

(c) We no longer need the personal data for the purposes of our processing, but you require personal data for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims; or,

(d) You have objected to processing, pending the verification of that objection.

In addition to our right to store your personal data, we may still otherwise process it but only:

(a) with your consent;

(b) for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;

(c) for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person; or,

(d) for reasons of important public interest.

We will inform you before we lift the restriction of processing.

The right to data portability: To the extent that the legal basis for our processing of your personal data is consent, and such processing is carried out by automated means, you have the right to receive your personal data from us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. However, this right does not apply where it would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

You also have the right to have your personal data transferred directly to another company, if this is technically possible, and/or to store your personal data for further personal use on a private device.

The right to object to processing: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data on grounds relating to your particular situation, but only to the extent that the legal basis for the processing is that the processing is necessary for:

(a)The performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of any official authority vested in us;

(b) The purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party.

If you make such an objection, we will cease to process the personal information unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing is for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes (including profiling for direct marketing purposes). If you make such an objection, we will cease to process your personal data for this purpose.

The right to complain to a supervisory authority: If you consider that our processing of your personal information infringes data protection laws, you have a legal right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority responsible for data protection. You may do so in the EU member state of your habitual residence, your place of work or the place of the alleged infringement addressing your claim to the correspondent Supervisory Authority which you can find here.


Providing your personal data to others

We may disclose your personal data in the event such disclosure is required or necessary to fulfil a legal obligation. We may disclose your personal data to the organization of the events (Forum Europe, Venue, caterers etc), and/or collaborating entities of the events. We may also disclose your personal data shared in the context of educational programs to the collaborating universities and/or partners of the projects we are involved in, as well as the entities of EIT UM Group (Innovation Hubs and EIT UM Foundation). Where information is shared with third parties, we will seek to share the minimum amount necessary, implementing in appropriate cases pseudonymisation and additional technical and organisational measures.
We may also disclose personal data to protect your vital interests or the vital interest of another natural person. In addition, we may disclose your personal data to other Registered Users interested in a Marketplace project and to contact them. As such, we do not disclose your personal data to our social media partners. We do, however, make use of social media plugins to direct you to our social media channels and to allow you to interact with our content. These social media channels are Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. In the event you click on such a link, the social media service provider may collect your personal data and may link this information to your existing profile on such social media. We also disclose your personal data to third-party applications, websites and services (“Third-Party Services”).

We are not responsible for the use of your personal data by such social media service
provider and Third-Party Services. In such case, the social media service
provider/Third Party Services will act as controller. For your information only, we have
included the relevant links (these may be changed from time to time by the relevant
service provider):

(a) Facebook: //www.facebook.com/about/privacy
(b) LinkedIn: //linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy;
(c) Twitter: //twitter.com/privacy;



We will ensure that any transfer of personal data to countries outside of the European Economic Area will take place pursuant to the appropriate safeguards.



Our website makes use of cookies. For further information relating to our use of cookies, we refer you to our Cookie Policy.



From time to time, we have the right to modify this Privacy Policy. You will always be able to consult the most recent version of the Privacy Policy on the Websites.